7900 W Jefferson Blvd
Suite 308
Fort Wayne, IN 46804
OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY..... Click on the QR Code above to register.
This banquet is an excellent opportunity for friends and families of individuals affected by life-controlling problems to gather, share
stories of hope, and honor those who have overcome adversity. A Picture with President Lincoln will be available to support Living Free counseling.Living Free of Fort Wayne, Indiana is a faith-based organization, that is committed to providing counseling, coaching, and
consulting services through the tireless dedication of its volunteer staff, facilitators, and support teams. Their work would not be possible without the generous contributions of time and resources from the community.Join us in celebrating recovery and hope as we honor thosewho are overcoming life-controlling challenges. Don’t miss this meaningful
evening of inspiration, celebration, and connection.For more information or to reserve your seat for thebanquet, please contact Living Free Recovery at 260.218.8299 or visit
Living Free Recovery- Dr. Daniel Schreck
Email: d.schreck@livingfreerecovery.onmicrosoft.com
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Click on the Picture below to sign up fpr Living Free Recovery Emails:
Located at:
LIving Free Recovery,
7900 W Jefferson Blvd, Suite 308
Fort Wayne, IN 46804
(next to the Entrance of Lutheran Hospital ... it is Medical Office Bldg #1 MOB#1 suite 308)
Helping people to find Help, receive Hope, and accept Healing!
Ministering to People with Life Controlling Problems
Wednesday January 8, 2025
(All Groups Meet Wednesday 6:30pm)
With a focus ondeveloping Christian character, this group is powerful for those aiming to prevent life-controlling problems or overcome current issues. It enhances
individuals' understanding of themselves and others, fosters meaningful
relationships, and prepares participants for more substantial connections in
small groups. The insight group is for people who need help to stay free from
life-controlling problems. This can be anything including drugs, alcohol, sex,
gambling, food, anxiety, depression, codependency, or patterns of unhealthy
relationships. Additionally, the groupserves as a powerful tool to address people's felt needs and guide them on a path to success.This is our foundational group, building character, and helping people to understand themselves in order to work through their "life controlling" problem. You'll discuss the JoHari Window and other helpful tools and exercises that bring understanding about how a person allows omething to "master their lives."
Audience: People, Friends, and family that want to gain "insight" to therin chracter and how to develop a godly character that can assist themselves and other in overcoming “life controlling” problems.
This course offers practical strategies forhandling stress and reducing anger within relationships and how to apply Biblical principles to our behavior. This book presents insight into coping with personal issues of anger following God's guidance. Participants will learn practical ways of interacting with each other to reduce their anger. It also presents ways to conduct our lives according to the Bible. Each week during this group participants will be taken deeper into the Word of God and learn
ways to respond to others with whom they may disagree.
Audience: People, Friends, and family with a “life controlling” problem or those who want to understand how to help others to overcome their anger, should enroll in theis group.BREAKING FREE 607 GROUP-Establishing a New Normal
Empowering individuals to conquer addiction with the guidance of biblical teachings and practical strategies, this series steers participants through crucial recovery stages. These include understanding the essence of addiction, addressing denial, processing grief, breaking harmful patterns, and planning a promising future. The approach is holistic, addressing the emotional, spiritual, and physical facets of addiction.
Audience: People, Friends, and family with “life controlling” problems should enroll to understand got themselves and for friends & families to assist a loved one’s recovery.
Registration for all Groups:
All groups are 13 weeks the cost is reflected in the entire 13 weeks.
(Group Participants who attend three (3) groups over the span of the year with an attendance of 75% automaticaly qualify and are registered for our ANNUAL AWARDS BANQUET and SILENT AUCTION-held at the end of January or beginning of February)
Cost for LFR groups: $96 upfront: includes Workbook and 13 weeks of group. Lost workbooks $26
(Starting after the begining of group will be pro-rated.)
Living Free Recovery is an outreach consulting ministry of Connection Points Inc. a 501 c 3 Non-profit ministry that provides consulting and counsel to churches on Small groups, Assimilation, Discipleship, and Leadership.
YOUR DONATION PROVIDES Resources & Counseling
(To assist those economically challenged)
Your gift of $32 can purchase a workbook for someone dealing with "life controlling Problems!" i.e: Addiction, Anger, Anxiety, Behavioral, Emotional, Relationship, & Substance Abuse. We do not turn anyone in need of counseling away and your donation helps us to help them! Thank you in advance
Living Free Recovery is an outreach ministry of Connection Points Inc. (a registered 501 (c) 3 non profit organization). Our funding comes from gifts, group registrations, and donations from people like you.
Help us help others by clicking the DONATE button below or you may send your tax deductible donation to:
Living Free Counseling
7900 West Jefferson Blvd, Suite 308
Fort Wayne, Indiana, 46804
Many people desire to overcome their life controlling problem, but they may not be READY to CHANGE... Listen:
What is Living Free Recovery
Living Free Recovery operates as a DBA of the 501(c)(3) non-profit organization CONNECTION POINTS INC. Living Free Counseling organization offers hope, help, and healing to individuals, churches, and communities through Faith-Based and Biblical Counseling. Our Services include individual sessions, couples counseling, family counseling, and group sessions.
Ministry To Communities
Outreach strategy to impact the entire community
A small group strategy designed to make a significant impact on the entire community by supporting other churches and individuals in ministering to those struggling with life-controlling issues. This often begins with individuals within the legal system and extends to their families within the community. Since life-controlling problems affect more than just one person or family, there is a strong need for ministry to the entire community. For more information on how to minister to your community or to schedule a training at your church, please email us at: d.schreck@livingfreerecovery.onmicrosoft.com or call 260-218-8299.
Ministry To Churches
Workshops and Seminars
Our available workshops cover a wide range of topics, including Addiction, Assimilation, Discipleship, Leadership, Small Groups, Substance Abuse, and Supporting Individuals with Life-Controlling Problems. For more information on these workshops or to schedule one at your church, please email us at d.schreck@livingfreerecovery.onmicrosoft.com or call 260-218-8299.
Ministry To Individuals
Non-residential groups and individual counseling
Living Free is a group strategy that has empowered over 800,000 people to confront life's challenges and move toward freedom and wholeness in Christ, boasting an 92% positive rehabilitation rate.
In both church and work settings, people may appear outwardly cheerful but are struggling internally. They maintain a facade while grappling with issues such as addiction, depression, anxiety, anger, broken relationships, caregiving responsibilities, eating disorders, financial problems, compulsive behaviors, or other life-controlling problems.
Discover how this group strategy operates, hear powerful testimonies of transformed lives, and explore proven resources and tools. The Living Free program is utilized in Centers worldwide.
The following video is from a Adult & Teen Challenge Graduate telling her story about the effectiveness of the Living Free programs offered at Adult & Teen Challenge.
The second video is what SAMSHA is saying about Adult & Teen Challenge residential treatment for those who are addicted.
A non-residential Faith Baseed rehabilitation program
Living Free Recovery is a faith-based, Christ-Centered non-residential rehabilitation program for Addicts and other people with life controlling issues and problems.
Individual Sessions and Community Connection groups meet throughout the week providing help for those who are hurting and pastoral counsel for their loved ones.
by appointment at:
7900 West Jefferson Blvd
Suite 308
Fort Wayne, IN 46804
People in need or who are seeking counsel begin by setting up an Orientation/Intake session. This is a "get acquainted" meeting where things can be discussed and assignment of Assessments are made.
Then individual sessions are set up to assist in working through any life controlling problem. Counseling is by Appointment.
Who should make an Appointment:
People that need and seek more structure in their lives and who want to obtain freedom from their "life controlling problem," Substance Abuse, Addiction, Anger, Anxiety, as well as Relational, Emotional & behavioral problems.
Family and Friends that want to learn how to help their loved one overcome their "life-controlling" problem.
Living Free Recovery hosts three semesters of group sessions annually at the Living Free Recovery Office, located at 7900 W Jefferson Blvd, Suite 308, Fort Wayne, IN 46804.
If you are unable to register online, please contact our office at: 260.218.8299
You may start group at anytime.
Once you have submitted your registration, you will be placed on the group roster that you requested. At the first group you will be asked for the registration fee, receive a Workbook, and be oriented to the group. (Finanical arrangements can be made by signing a Financial Agreement.
6:30pm - 8:00pm
Who should attend:
Anyone with a life controlling problem or anyone that knows someone with a life controlling problem. This group helps with character development and is the foundation of a program that has an 92% rehabilitation rate.
Cost: $96: includes Workbook and 13 week group (Finanical arrangements can be made by signing a Financial Agreement of $100. Lost workbooks $26.00)
6:30pm - 8:00pm
This group will help to show how our differing character traits that were learned in the INSIGHT group can be used constructively in our lives so that we walk more in the image of God according to the way He created us. It can help in understanding others in building positive godly relationships.
Who Should Attend:
* Group members formerly enrolled in the INSIGHT
* People wanting to undertand differing character
traits and how they assist in demonstrating the
Image of God.
* People desiring to develop their character traits.
Cost: $96.00: includes Workbook and 13 week participation. (Finanical arrangements can be made by signing a Financial Agreement for $100. Lost workbooks $25.00)
6:30 - 8:00pm
When we live with unforgiveness, the result is nearly always bitterness, brokenness, and behaviors that tear us down. Unforgiveness not only sabotages our interactions with those around us, but it also impedes our spiritual grouwth , erodes out binner peace, and steals our joy. The God of the Universe is ready to transform our unforgiveness and empower us to live in freedom, His joy, and with the resilience of forgiveness.
In this group study, we will journey together on some tough and challenging roads, but we can persevere with full confidence that God will be at work in us, with us, and through us as He conforms us more and more into the image of His Son. We are filled with joy that God is at work in you and that you are about to experience more forgiveness in your life than you ever have before.
Who should attend:
* Group members formerly enrolled in the INSIGHT
* People wanting to undertand differing character
traits and how they assist in demonstrating the
Image of God.
Cost: $96 for 13 week group. (Finanical arrangements can be made by signing a Financial Agreement for $100. Lost workbooks $25.00)
How To Escape Your Prison
6:30pm - 8:00pm
Moral Reconation Therapy
Moral Reconation Therapy assist people in integrating their belief system with their values in order for them to make better decisions. "How To Escape Your Prison" is the MRT Workbook that is utilized. All MRT classes are facilitated by Certified MRT Facilitators.
Who should attend: People that are longing to change their thinking and/or behavior through CBT as well as those who are court ordered to treatment of Substance Abuse and those who want to make more effective decisions.
People that need and seek more structure in their lives and who desire to make effective decisions while obtaining freedom from their "life controlling problem."
Cost: $260 (Finanical arrangements can be made by signing a Financial Agreement for $275. Lost workbooks $35.00)
Substance Abuse/Addiction Education
Recovery Through Respect addresses issues of addiction and substance abuse while developing a recovery program that impacts the whole person-body, mind, and spirit.
Recovery Through Respect is intended for people and groups of people that deal with addiction, but can also benefit those with personality and behavioral disorders. This program is intended to be at least 16 weeks in length but can be utilized for as much as up to one (1) year. It is also advisable to have a family member or a person from the client’s network present at one or two of these meetings throughout the year.
Family members may want to attend our "Concerned Persons" group to learn how to assist their loved one in overcoming their "life controlling" problem
Who should attend:
* People that have been court ordered for Substance Abuse/Addiction education/ counseling,
* People who are desiring to make better choices in life,
* People that have any type of life controlling or abuse problem.
Cost: $200.00 for 13 week group. (Finanical arrangements can be made by signing a Financial Agreement for $250. Lost workbooks $32.00)
February 8, 2025
Use the QR code in this invitation to obtain your ticket.
Register before the end of the year for $30/ticket
Living Free Recovery can provide HOPE, HELP, & HEALING to you.
SA Education-Individual Sessions
This Substance Abuse/ Addiction group meets standards for anyone in the system who may be court ordered or those who just want to get free from the stronghold of Substance Abuse. This can be purchased on AMAZON for $29.95
What We Do (Our Purpose)
Living Free Recovery can assist you or a loved one in the following three specific areas:
Education & Counseling on Substance Abuse/some Mental Health Issues
Living Free Recovery presents many types of Seminars: Emotions,Behaviors, Relationship, Substance Abuse, Marriage and premarital.
Training & Certifying Facilitators
A couple of times per year we hold facilitator training seminars that teach and train people how to start and lead groups.
Living Free Recovery Groups
Living Free recovery provides group education in a number of areas including: Addiction, Anger, Anxiety, Financial, Relationship,& behavior.
Living Free Testimonies
Information about Living Free
Living Free Recovery
Dealing with "life controlling problems.'"
For More Info Contact:
Living Free Recovery at info@connectionpoints.org
Testimony from Kentucky
Paducah Lifeline Ministries is is a faith based ministry affiliated with Living Free and consisting of a board of directors, staff and volunteers who are passionate about helping men and women overcome their struggle with drug and alcohol addiction. We help them discover how, through the power of Christ, they can learn to identify and conquer the powers that have driven them in to destructive lifestyles.
For More Info Contact:
Living Free Recovery at info@connectionpoints.org
Living Free Recovery utilizes The EXTREME INTERVENTION founder, Selepri Amachre to help the "hard-core" addict to realize the options that are available. Selepri spends time with the the participant, walk with them through the court process (if necessary), explains things to the family, and can place them into a residential as needed. The process works!
Testimonial Video:
Don't be afraid to reach out. You + us = Awesome Team.
Registration for Groups below:
All groups are at least 13 weeks and the cost is reflected in the entire 13 weeks.
Cost for LFR groups: $96 upfront or $100.00 for signed Financial Agreement: includes Workbook and 13 week group, Lost workbooks $26.
Cost for RTR groups: $200 upfront or $250 with signed Financial Agreement
(FA). Lost Workbooks $35.00
Cost for MRT group: $260 upfront or $275 with signed Financial Agreement (FA). Lost Workbooks $35.00
LFR = Living Free Recovery
MRT= Moral Reconation Therapy
RTR = Recovery Through Respect
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AllPastoral-CounselConnection PointsLiving Free RecoveryQUICK TEST
$15.00This assessment measures Anxiety, Depression, and safety elements. Generally taken prior to individual sessions and measuring positive and negative results. Demonstrating over time whether or not the therapy is working or that the individual is working his/her treatment plan. In order to complete the assessments, please pay and then email d.schreck@livingfreerecovery.onmicrosoft.com with Full name: address: email:QuantityComing soonPERSONALITY SPECTRUM ASSESSMENT
$15.00This assessment often accompanies the PSA and points to the personality spectrum in order to point out areas of difficulty to overcome. In order to complete the assessments, please pay and then email d.schreck@livingfreerecovery.onmicrosoft.com with Full name: address: email:QuantityComing soonPre-marital Assessments
$35.00This assessments provides areas of strength and areas of need. It will present interactive starters and strengthen the relationship prior to marriage. In order to complete the assessments, please pay and then email d.schreck@livingfreerecovery.onmicrosoft.com with Full name: address: email:QuantityComing soonAnger Assessment
$15.00This assessment will provide information about how to approach a persons anger. In order to complete the assessments, please pay and then email d.schreck@livingfreerecovery.onmicrosoft.com with Full name: address: email:QuantityComing soonMarriage Survey
$15.00For use in Marriage counseling to develop a picture of what is happening in the relationship and a starting point for reconciliation. In order to complete the assessments, please pay and then email d.schreck@livingfreerecovery.onmicrosoft.com with Full name: address: email:QuantityComing soonPERSONALITY SURVEY ASSESSMENT-PSA
$15.00This assessment takes a look at the personality development of an individual and helps develop a picture for ongoing treatment in order to overcome a persons life controlling problem. You must send your Name: Date of Birth: Email: Address:QuantityComing soonADDICTION ASSESSMENT
$15.00This assessment will assist in development of a treatment plan for anyone suffering from Substance Abuse/Addiction. In order to complete the assessments, please pay and then email d.schreck@livingfreerecovery.onmicrosoft.com with Full name: address: email:QuantityAll options are out of stockComing soonSpiritual Gift Inventory
$15.00This assessment will demonstrate areas of effectiveness and provide direction for getting involved in events, activities, and organizations where your gifts, talents, and abilities can bless others. In order to complete the assessments, please pay and then email d.schreck@livingfreerecovery.onmicrosoft.com with Full name: address: email:QuantityComing soonGODL Y PARENTING 13 week group
$96.00Learn how to be more effective parent. This is a 13 week group and includes workbook. Cost: $96.00: includes Workbook and 13 week group.QuantityComing soonLIVING FREE RECOVERY GIFT CARD for Counseling, Groups, & Materials
$5.00 - $750.00Purchase a "Living Free Recovery Gift Card" for a friend, family, member, or anyone else.... You can assist a person in providing counseling, hope, and healing for them that they may not be able to provide for themselves.SelectQuantityComing soonDating and Marriage Workbook
$20.00Any couple that is contemplating dating or marriage should set an appointment by calling: 260-218-8299QuantityComing soonCommitted Couples Group
$96.00This group is designed to strengthen a couples commitment. Cost: $96.00: includes Workbook and 13 week group.QuantityComing soonRESTORING FAMILIES Group
$96.00This group is designed to restore & strengthen family relationships. Cost: $96.00: includes Workbook and 13 week group.QuantityComing soonFACING FEAR FINDING FAITH Group
$96.00Facing your fears. Learning how to identify and deal with the fear in your life.Cost: $96.00: includes Workbook and 13 week group.QuantityComing soonSEEING YOURSELF IN GOD'S IMAGE Group
$96.00This 13-session study is born from her own struggles in adolescence. The group challenges members to find their identity in Christ as they overcome this difficult struggle. This guide offers understanding of distorted body image, denial, and the family systems influence. It also explains how to break free of social pressures and how to restore the temple and tie the recovery process together. Seeing Your Loved One in God’s Image, can be used as a guide dealing with issues associated with eating disorders. Cost: $96.00: includes Workbook and 13 week group.QuantityComing soonATTITUDES/OBEDIENCE TO GOD Group
$96.00Believers we are called to love God. Jesus declared this to be the most important commandment of all. However, in loving God, we find that we must also obey Him. Obedience to God takes a look at the relationship between love and obedience, and offers practical ways to submit even the most rebellious heart to His authority. If we do not, the outcome can be devastating, as shown through real-life examples given in this study. Cost: $96.00: includes Workbook and 13 week group.QuantityComing soonATTITUDES/OBEDIENCE TO GOD Group
$96.00This class will look at how to develop positive attitudes and how that leads to obedience to God. What are attitudes? How do we develop new attitudes? And what is the right attitude to have when being criticized or correction? This course explores these questions, and more. Cost: $96.00: includes Workbook and 13 week group.QuantityComing soonINSIGHT-Character Development Group
$96.00INSIGHT is a support group for recovery from any life controlling issue. It offers help for those struggling with life-controlling problem like drug addiction, alcoholism, sexual addiction, gambling or any other addiction by presenting to people an understanding of how a person’s character is developed. Cost: $96.00: includes Workbook and 13 week group.QuantityComing soonMRT-MORAL RECONATION THERAPY Group
$275.00Helping people to make better life decisions by developing and understanding of their beliefs and connecting with their values to help them make more effective choices. Cost for MRT group: $275 includes workbookQuantityComing soonRECOVERY THROUGH R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Group
$250.00This is Substance Abuse Education. Dealing with recovery from Substance Abuse / Addiction. Cost: $250 includes WorkbookQuantityComing soonLoad MoreRESOURCES
When hope seems non-existent..... Our Interventionist can help!
Selepri Amachre
Selepri Amachree is an interventionist and Christian recording artist.
12 years of cocaine/crack & Opiates addiction had taken its toll on his life. After 2 trips to prison in Illinois, Selepri found himself detained in federal custody facing deportation from the United States for drug charges that he had served prison time for. “Jesus met me right where I was” he shares in his testimony, “He said I had a Hope and a Future”. After graduating from Teen Challenge (An Adult & Teen rehabilitation center) in August of 2002. Selepri went on to take an administrative position with Youth Challenge in Virginia.
For the last 8 years Selepri has been travelling around the country sharing his story and intervening in the lives of addicts for the Xtreme Intervention Project, a ministry he founded and directs!!
Selepri has been interviewed on the Christian Television Network and His story was published (twice) nationwide in the Pentecostal Evangel Magazine. Selepri says, “I haven’t gotten to where I am because of the MANY I’VE LED out of darkness, but because of the ONE I’VE FOLLOWED into the Light”.
Selepri and Living Free Recovery will assist the TRANSFORMATION CENTER of Indiana by helping individuals our of their addiction and helping families to understand their role in recovery. The ultimate goal of intervention is hope, help, and healing to individuals and families.
If you know of someone who needs help to get through their "life controlling" problem, contact:
Living Free Recovery
OUR MISSION is serving our community by partnering with them to bring, hope, help, and healing in order to provide a healthy future to individuals dealing with life controlling problems.
Seminar on "Understanding Addiction"
Learn the most effective way of HELPING OTHERS OVERCOME their "life controlling" problems:
October 12, 2024
7900 West Jefferson Blvd,
Medical Building 1, Suite 308
Fort Wayne, In 46804
Onsite Registration 8:30am
Training 9am - 4:00pm
(registration $35.00 -lunch, workbook, & Certificate of Completion included)
For information please call: 260.218.8299 or to register click below
Become a CERTIFIED FACILITATOR Click the button below for more info!
There are only a couple of steps to become a Living Free Recovery Certified Facilitator:
1) Have a heart for helping people and a desire to learn and share
2) Register and Complete FACILITATOR TRAINING
3) Sit in on and Co-facilitate an INSIGHT group
4) Begin to facilitate/co-facilitate a group fulltime (2 hours per week)
Area College & Graduate Students
Are you working towards a Bachelor or Masters degree and desire to learn about helping people deal with their life controlling problems from a Faith-based, Christ-Centered perspective? Call us at 260. 218.8299 or email us at d.schreck@livingfreerecovery.onmicrosoft.com.
You will receive supervision and become involved in both group and individual sessions for "hands on" experiences.
Call 260-218-8299 for More Information
About Us
Our Mission
Facilitators are needed
Counseling Sessions
Contact Us
Copyright 2023@ Living Free Recovery is a Ministry of Connection Points Inc. a 501 (c) 3 non profit organization,
supported by public and private donations